The Holiest of Weeks
Dear Loyola community,
This is the holiest of weeks for Christians all over the world, the time we celebrate not just the pastel pleasantness of spring, but profound insights into hope, love and sacrifice. Every year, we act out in symbols and in song Christ’s humility in washing the feet of his disciples, his utter humanity in suffering death, his sacrifice in enduring human cruelty, the joy of his resurrection and the hope of our own.
For the Jewish members of our community, this week will begin Passover, the ritual meal that Jesus himself celebrated during his last supper. For even longer than 2,000 years, Jews have gathered together with family and friends, read from the Haggadah (or “telling”) and eaten ritual foods from the Seder plate -- matzo, bitter herbs and sweet charoset. They celebrate the exodus from Egypt, a constant reminder of the journey from slavery to freedom.
All around the world this week, people will come together in the central yearning of humanity, to find meaning in our suffering, an end to death, a springtime celebration of birth and new life.
For those of you still in town, I hope you will consider joining me for Holy Week at Ignatius Chapel in Bobet Hall, 7 p.m on Thursday night, Friday, and Saturday’s Easter Vigil. Over the years, our Ignatius Chapel Community has added creative gestures to the Triduum, layering different approaches on top of the comforting ritual to help you stop and take it all in. It is beautiful and sacred.
Wherever you are this week, I hope you have a wonderful Paschal week, or Pesach, and that you take time with family and friends to focus on what matters most.
Prayers and blessings,