KLB Lafitte Greenway Beautification Project
February 1 • Super Bowl Clean Up & Green Up
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2025-02-01 09:00:00
2025-02-01 11:00:00
KLB Lafitte Greenway Beautification Project
Thank you for your interest, we received a wonderful response and our event, the Lafitte Greenway Beautification Project, is now full. However, please keep an eye out for future campus beautification projects during Love the Boot Week (April 7-11), Earth Week (April 22-25), and World Cleanup Day (next fall).
DATE: Saturday, February 1st
TIME: 9am - 11am (volunteers are welcome to stay longer)
LOCATION: Lafitte Greenway, 500 Norman C. Francis Parkway (see map below for parking)
TRANSPORTATION: If you have sign-up for the van we will be emailing you with more information.
Lafitte Greenway
Kimberly Kahn - kjkahn@loyno.edu & Mark Tobler - tobler@loyno.edu
Lafitte Greenway
FreeThank you for your interest, we received a wonderful response and our event, the Lafitte Greenway Beautification Project, is now full. However, please keep an eye out for future campus beautification projects during Love the Boot Week (April 7-11), Earth Week (April 22-25), and World Cleanup Day (next fall).
DATE: Saturday, February 1st
TIME: 9am - 11am (volunteers are welcome to stay longer)
LOCATION: Lafitte Greenway, 500 Norman C. Francis Parkway (see map below for parking)
TRANSPORTATION: If you have sign-up for the van we will be emailing you with more information.

Event Type
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2025-02-01 09:00:00
2025-02-01 11:00:00
KLB Lafitte Greenway Beautification Project
Thank you for your interest, we received a wonderful response and our event, the Lafitte Greenway Beautification Project, is now full. However, please keep an eye out for future campus beautification projects during Love the Boot Week (April 7-11), Earth Week (April 22-25), and World Cleanup Day (next fall).
DATE: Saturday, February 1st
TIME: 9am - 11am (volunteers are welcome to stay longer)
LOCATION: Lafitte Greenway, 500 Norman C. Francis Parkway (see map below for parking)
TRANSPORTATION: If you have sign-up for the van we will be emailing you with more information.
Lafitte Greenway
Kimberly Kahn - kjkahn@loyno.edu & Mark Tobler - tobler@loyno.edu